Spinn Candy Case Study: Enhancing User Experience Leads to a 41% Surge in Online Sales & 44% in Conversion rate



Spinn Candy, a supplier of cotton candy sugar floss, faced several challenges with their online presence, including a low conversion rate and an outdated website with slow loading times. Customers were unable to browse and purchase different flavors easily, leading to frustration. Additionally, Spinn Candy aimed to enhance their brand story and differentiate themselves from competitors.


To improve the user experience on Spinn Candy's website, increase conversion rates, and elevate the brand's story to create a unique selling proposition.

behavioral flow insights:


  1. Revamping Product Navigation: To address the issue of customers not being able to shop different flavors effectively, we adopted a comprehensive approach. We transformed each flavor into an individual product and added size variations as product variants. This change allowed customers to navigate the website more easily and select their desired flavors and sizes effortlessly.

  2. Streamlining Quantity Selection: To further enhance user experience, we implemented a user-friendly variant chart that enabled customers to select the desired quantity of products. This modification eliminated the need for customers to manually list multiple flavors in a notes section, streamlining the ordering process and reducing frustration.

  3. Highlighting Unique Value Propositions: To differentiate Spinn Candy from its competitors, we emphasized the brand's unique value propositions. By showcasing the quality of their products, their commitment to using premium ingredients, and their exceptional customer service, we aimed to create a compelling brand story that resonated with potential customers.

  4. Incorporating Testimonials: To build trust and credibility, we integrated customer testimonials into the website. These testimonials served as social proof, demonstrating the positive experiences of past customers and instilling confidence in potential buyers.

  5. Enhancing Website Performance: Recognizing the impact of slow site speed on user experience, we implemented a 2.0 theme that optimized the website's performance. This upgrade significantly improved the loading times, ensuring a smoother and more enjoyable browsing and shopping experience for visitors.


Following the implementation of these user experience improvements, Spinn Candy witnessed a remarkable 41% increase in online sales. The revamped website allowed customers to explore and purchase different flavors effortlessly, eliminating frustrations encountered previously. By highlighting the brand's unique value propositions and incorporating customer testimonials, Spinn Candy successfully differentiated itself in the market, capturing the attention and trust of potential buyers. Additionally, the improved site speed further enhanced the user experience, resulting in increased customer satisfaction and a higher conversion rate of 2% which was a 44% increase .


Through a comprehensive approach centered on enhancing user experience, Spinn Candy achieved significant improvements in their online sales. By revamping product navigation, streamlining quantity selection, highlighting unique value propositions, incorporating testimonials, and optimizing website performance, Spinn Candy successfully differentiated itself from competitors and provided a seamless shopping experience for its customers. The case study demonstrates the positive impact of prioritizing user experience in driving business growth and customer satisfaction.


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